@Home_Brew_Geek's idea!
I'm not sure if this was what you were expecting... but I tried!
I'm not sure if this was what you were expecting... but I tried!
Father Time
(Concept Art: Father Time8]
(Idle Animation: The clock ticks!)
(Idle Animation: The clock ticks!)
Midline support hero who resets ally cooldowns, reduces cooldowns, makes enemies disappear using the power of time, and much more crazy batflip.
Father Time Quotes:
"It's almost like he's counting down towards my end! Wait a minute, he IS!" - Polemaster
"Each time you cuss, I'll make your death arrive one day quicker. But by the looks of it, had I done it like a month ago, you would've already been dead." - Father Time to Electroyeti
"It's trippy; all of this time-changing nonsense makes me dizzy!" - Unstable Understudy
"I got no time for this! HAHAHAHAH! Do you have wings? Because I want to see time FLY! HAAAAAAAAAAAHAAA!" - Centaur Of Attention
Support Hero
Basic Attack: Physical Damage
Primary: Intellect
Trait: Unstable
Primary: Intellect
Trait: Unstable
Core Stats Growth per Level:
1 star: None
2 star: Strength: 2.0 Agility: 2.0 Intellect: 1.0
3 star: Strength: 3.25 Agility: 3.5 Intellect: 3.5
4 star: Strength: 4.5 Agility: 5.0 Intellect: 6.0
5 star: Strength: 5.75 Agility: 6.5 Intellect: 8.5
1 star: None
2 star: Strength: 2.0 Agility: 2.0 Intellect: 1.0
3 star: Strength: 3.25 Agility: 3.5 Intellect: 3.5
4 star: Strength: 4.5 Agility: 5.0 Intellect: 6.0
5 star: Strength: 5.75 Agility: 6.5 Intellect: 8.5
Where to Obtain
- Time Shop (hue, there should be something like that) (First Month of Release)
White Skill: "Rolling Back!"
(Concept Art: Time Rewind)
(Animation: Raises his clock, timer rewinds 10 seconds, all ally heroes are shined with a white glow.)
(Animation: Raises his clock, timer rewinds 10 seconds, all ally heroes are shined with a white glow.)
Rewinds time, causing the timer to roll back 10 seconds (Game Timer that starts at 1:30) and resets all ally skill cooldowns, while reactivating all enemy skill cooldowns. Guaranteed to reactivate cooldowns from enemies levels X or lower.
- X = 5 + Skill Level
Green Skill: "Time Bomb"
(Concept Art: A Time Bomb)
(Animation: Looks at his hourglass in surprise, it ticks and explodes.)
(Animation: Looks at his hourglass in surprise, it ticks and explodes.)
Upon Father Time's death, his hourglass explodes, slowing down time, reducing enemy attack speed and movement speed by X for the rest of the battle. The slow increases by Y on an enemy hero if that hero's health is below 25%.
- X = 25% + 0.2083% x skill level
- Y = 10% + 0.416% x skill level
Blue Skill: "You Were Never Born!"
(Concept Art: Puff Of Smoke, as in disappearing magic)
(Animation: Raises clock, target shrinks into infinity, disappearing)
(Animation: Raises clock, target shrinks into infinity, disappearing)
Rolls back time for the hero with the highest strength, all the way back before they were born. This causing them to disappear from battle. But Father Time cannot keep time unstable like this for long. They disappear for 5 seconds, and then return back to battle. On return, they receive X magic damage.
- X = 100 + skill power + 10 x skill level
Damage Type
- Magic Damage
Purple Skill: "What Cooldowns?"
(Concept Art: Question Mark)
Father Time is impatient. He and all allies gain X cooldown reduction.
- X = 6% + 0.1625% x skill level
Orange (Legendary Skill): "In Timely Reversions"
(Concept Art: Rewind!)
(Animation: Raises clock, health mububbers around target ally.)
(Animation: Raises clock, health mububbers around target ally.)
Returns an ally hero to the state of anew. Father Time reverts the ally hero with the lowest health to its original state, regaining all health and removing all debuffs. Guaranteed to remove debuffs levels X or lower. This skill is affected by cooldown reduction.
X = 5 + Skill Level
Legendary Quests
Stage 1: “Time Does Not Wait!” - Increase your ally team's attack speed and movement speed by a total of 1,000% in one day. Only counts if you win.
Quest Dialogue:
“Tick Tock Tick Tock! Why aren't we going fast enough?” - Father Time
“We're moving fast, you're just moving TOO fast.” - Roller Warrior
"Well pick it up then! Use your little fast buffs to catch up! Time does not wait for anyone!" - Father Time
Stage 2: “You Were Never Here!” - Select one of your top 10 heroes. That hero disappears from your roster for 5 days. At the end of 5 days, it reappears and this quest is complete.
Quest Dialogue:
“I, Father Time, have realized that your top warriors are doing all of your dirty work!” - Father Time
“I will make one of those warriors disappear for the time being, and you must prove to me that you can pull your own weight!” - Father Time
“Awwwwh don't make me disappear!” - Centaur Of Attention
"Shut it! You don't even do anything around here! I doubt you'll be picked!" - Dragon Lady
Stage 3: “Sacrifice To Go Away!” - Sacrifice any 1 purple item each day for 5 consecutive days.
Quest Dialogue:
“Uraaghhhhh, can you just %@#$ing go away???” - Electroyeti
“Time listens to no one.... unless you make sacrifices.” - Father Time
"What kind of sacrifices? I'll do ANYTHING to get rid of YOU!" - Electroyeti
"Rude. I'll need a purple item of any kind, for five days." - Father Time
Finished Quest Dialogue:
"You completed your sacrifices, and now I take my leave." - Father Time
"Good riddance...." - Electroyeti
"I heard that!" - Father Time
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