Legendary Quests Guide

Legendary Quest Guide for up to 2.13

A full update on the soon-coming 2.13 update. Quests in alphabetical order. Any information on the quests I don't have would be ton...

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ancient Idol Legendary Skill Concept

"Seems Logical" - Cosmic Elf

Well I'm not so sure about Idol having a legendary skill atm.

He's still a deadly opponent to fight and while not that new, not one of the originals who need legendary skills themselves.

But here's my idea! It's slightly based off a player's idea for Idol to be immune to disables! :wink:

Orange (Legendary) Skill: Spear of Immunity

Behold, the Staff of Immunity! Whenever he hurls his spear, as it lands on the targeted foe, a stream of green magic flows through the battlefield. The green magic makes ally heroes immune to all disables from skills under the current level of Ancient Idol for the duration the enemy team is blinded for. He also gains X magic vamp.

  • X = 100 + 5 x skill level

Trying to make this balanced was pretty tough.

Making an anti-disable special would have people throwing SE and River runes every where on Idol. It would just be the new meta. 

So I made the duration of the special's blind its double-edged sword.

Longer Disables = Lengthened Immunity to Disables

Spirit Wolf = Lengthened Immunity to Disables

Tenacity = Shortened Immunity to Disables (Bring Frosty!)

Dark Horse (+Bro) = Pretty much your Anti-SE Idol.

Made it under Idol's level for some uniqueness and so I could put magic vamp on him. 
It would be pretty useful on this guy if his immunity spear's useless.

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