I'm just putting the ideas that I made on Discourse here.
Mushroom Clown
(Concept Art: That Mushroom @Night_Prowler_II shows)
(Idle Animation: Just sits there.)
(Idle Animation: Just sits there.)
Goes kaboom at 1 second left.
Mushroom Clown Quotes:
"Red Wire??? Or Blue Wire???" - Centaur Of Attention
"This thing classifies as one of us? .....?????????????????" - Dragon Lady
"Doesn't do much, but pretty much kept around to save Yeti's pride." - Unstable Understudy
Damage Hero
Basic Attack: None
Primary: Strength, Intellect
Trait: Unstable, Heavy, Metal
Primary: Strength, Intellect
Trait: Unstable, Heavy, Metal
Core Stats Growth per Level:
1 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
2 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
3 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
4 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
5 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
1 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
2 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
3 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
4 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
5 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 5.0
Where to Obtain
- Bazaar Shop (First Month of Release)
- Elite Campaign Chapter 20+ (After Month of Release)
White Skill: KABOOOM!
(Concept Art: Nuclear Explosion)
(Animation: Swells, then explodes.)
(Animation: Swells, then explodes.)
A timer that starts from 1:25 starts counting down at the start of each round. Once the timer ends, Mushroom Clown starts to swell up for 3 seconds, and then explodes in 1. When Mushroom Clown explodes, every hero on the field is killed, but it grants the Mushroom Clown user the win. If both sides use the Clown, at the start of battle, both clowns will be disarmed due to their frequencies interrupting each other.
In order to disarm the opposing Mushroom Clown, heroes must attack it until its health bar reaches zero. After being disarmed, the Mushroom Clown will rattle and then vanish from battle.
Mushroom Clown's health is increased by X every time this skill is leveled.
- X = MC's Health + 200% x skill power + 100 x skill level
Green Skill: Magic Wire
(Concept Art: Purple Wire)
Gains X intellect.
- X = 100 + 2.5 x skill level
Blue Skill: Padded Wire
(Concept Art: Gray Wire)
Gains X strength.
- X = 100 + 2.5 x skill level
Purple Skill: Defense Mechanism
(Concept Art: Shield)
(Animation: Rattles, then gains a shield.)
(Animation: Rattles, then gains a shield.)
Gains a shield that absorbs X damage for 5 seconds.
- X = 1,000 x 125% skill power + 100 x skill level
Orange (Legendary Skill): Heavy Metal
(Concept Art: Metal)
The hardest to crack. Can't be moved from his position (unaffected by knockback). Takes X less physical damage.
X = 10% + 1% x skill level
Legendary Quests
Stage 1: “Orange Wire” - Have Mushroom Clown tank 1,000,000 physical damage in one day.
Quest Dialogue:
“We have to disarm the Mushroom Clown!” - Dragon Lady
“But how?” - Unstable Understudy
“Cut the orange wire!” - Centaur Of Attention
“We'll have to deal like 10 million physical damage to cut THAT!” - Unstable Understudy
“Then we WILL!” - Dragon Lady
Stage 2: “Green Wire” - Have Mushroom Clown tank 1,000,000 magic damage in one day. Must be completed the day after completing Stage 1.
Quest Dialogue:
“Orange down! Now for the Green!” - Dragon Lady
“Seems like the same as the last one, but it can't be touched by our hands!” - Centaur Of Attention
“We''ll have to cut it with MAGIC!” - Unstable Understudy
Stage 3: “All of the Wires!” - Sacrifice a Knives of Hackenslash
Quest Dialogue:
“This is too slow!” - Dragon Lady
“I'm gonna cut it with one of those Knives of Hackenslash!” - Dragon Lady
Finished Quest Dialogue:
"Disarmed!" - Dragon Lady
"We wasted our time when we could've done THAT?" - Centaur Of Attention
"Why didn't you tell us we could've done that EARLIER?" - Unstable Understudy
"Didn't come to mind." - Dragon Lady
"%&#ing christ" - Electroyeti
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