Legendary Quests Guide

Legendary Quest Guide for up to 2.13

A full update on the soon-coming 2.13 update. Quests in alphabetical order. Any information on the quests I don't have would be ton...

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Hero Concept: Phoenix

Suggested by Ludwig
Made because I want to.
Made because making these are fun, dammit
(Sources for format: http://dragonsoul.wikia.com/wiki/Dragonsoul_Wikia)
Used same format as Running Rapier to save time.


(Concept Art: A phoenix like this, but more cartoony?)
(Idle Animation: Vulture Dragon's flapping)

2 :star: hero

Midline support hero who heals allies, burns enemies, buffs ally fire damage, can revive itself, and is immune to fire damage while resistant to water damage.

"Are those blue flames within red flames? What?? Can I get blue flames??" - Dust Devil

"That tiny egg can hold such a large, ancient creature? You defy logic. Get out my game." - Cosmic Elf

"Obviously you can't hurt a fire creature with fire. What kind of ignorant mortal would think that?" - Phoenix to Weredragon

I tell Frosty to stay away from the thing, but apparently the bird can emit cold flames. Cold. Flames. "Your entire existence is illogical," is what the Elf would say.” - Centaur of Attention in vast confusion.

Another mythological creature? I think a Centaur, Medusa, Hydra, Minotaur, and a Weredragon's enough. What's next, a Naga?” - Dragon Lady

"Its flames heal people. Guess it doesn't just have the nickname, "Flames of Life", for nothin." - Polemaster

Support Hero

Basic Attack: Magic, Fire Damage
Primary: Intellect
Trait: Dragon

Core Stats Growth per Level:
1 star: None
2 star: Strength: 2.7 Agility: 3.0 Intellect: 5.0
3 star: Strength: 3.2 Agility: 4.0 Intellect: 6.5
4 star: Strength: 3.7 Agility: 5.0 Intellect: 8.0
5 star: Strength: 4.2 Agility: 6.0 Intellect: 9.5

Where to Obtain
  • Guild Shop (First Month of Release)
  • Gold Chest (After First Month of Release)
  • Elite Campaign Chapter 21? (After First Month of Release)

White Skill: Flames of Life
(Concept Art: http://www.ashesofphoenix.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2016_04/1e2378a2c82d2032674ee1f0a860a2cd1e3b902b.png.d158ccedd098a99503f8ba2c4bae2f96.png)
(Animation: Slow wing fold, then shooting spread of its wings. Burst of fire specks and sparks fly across the field.)

The Phoenix spreads its wings far and wide, sending out a burst of fire energy that heals all allies for X health while burning foes. Burning foes receive a 20% decrease in damage and take Y magic damage every second. Guaranteed to burn foes levels Z or lower.

  • X = 100 + skill power x 30% + 30 x skill level
  • Y = 20 + skill power x 120% + 10 x skill level
  • Z = Skill Level

Damage Type:

  • Magic Damage
  • Fire Damage
Green Skill: Reborn
(Concept Art: Fire Egg)
(Baby Phoenix Concept Art: Smaller version of the original, wider eyes, slightly chubby and feathery)
(Animation: Somewhat like Genie's green skill, except with an egg and not a lamp. Turning back into an adult: Magic Dragon's death animation)

When its health runs out, the Phoenix is sent back into an egg. The egg has X health (Based off the original Phoenix's max health) out of Y max health. If the egg is healed to full by an ally hero, the egg hatches, dealing Z magic damage to all foes nearby the egg. The Phoenix is then reborn as a baby Phoenix. The baby Phoenix has half the health, armor, and magic resistance as its adult form, and deals half the damage as well. The Phoenix's special will only heal for 75% of what it would originally heal for. After 10 seconds of being reborn, if the baby Phoenix is still alive, it will turn back into its adult form, healing back W health. If the baby Phoenix is killed, then it will not revive. If the egg is killed before ally heroes can heal it back to full, then it will not revive. This cycle will repeat until either the egg or the baby Phoenix is killed.

  • X = 50% + 0.25% x skill level
  • Y = 100% of the original Phoenix's max health
  • Z = 20 + skill power x 50% + 10 x skill level
  • W = skill power x 50% + 100 x skill level

Damage Type:

  • Magic Damage

Blue Skill: Fiery Breath
(Concept Art: Flame Burst coming from the Phoenix's mouth)
(Animation: The Phoenix leans back slightly, then fires a red breath for 1.5 seconds and then a blue breath for another 1.5 seconds (in a way like Kaiju's) at the enemy team)

The Phoenix prepares a fiery breath for 1.5 seconds, then unleashes the colorful deathly flames upon its victims for 3 seconds. For the first 1.5 seconds of breathing, The Phoenix's fire breath is red. This breath deals X magic damage per 0.5 seconds. After 1.5 seconds, the Phoenix breathes blue flames. This breath deals 50% more damage than the red. The Phoenix can be interrupted during its breathing.
  • X = 500 + skill power x 150% + 25 x skill level 
  • Y = X times 150%

Purple Skill: Eternal Flames
(Concept Art: Somewhat like White Skill's concept, but the Phoenix faces southeastward)

Logic makes it clear that fire cannot hurt the being made of fire. The Phoenix becomes immune to fire damage and the intensity of its flames makes the Phoenix take X percent less water damage.

  • X = 20% + 0.5% x skill level

Orange (Legendary Skill): Intense Incinerations
(Concept Art: Fiery Forest)

The Phoenix's flames become the greatest of all flames. This causes it and its allies to deal X more fire damage.

  • X = 75% + 1% x skill level

Legendary Quests

Stage 1: “Heal Your Friends, Burn Your Enemies” - Heal 750,000 health and burn 100 enemies in one day. Only counts if you win.

Quest Dialogue:

There's a contest going on to see who's the best phoenix around.” - Phoenix

I plan on smoking the competition.” - Phoenix

The first part of the contest was to see who can heal 500,000 health and burn 50 enemies in a day.” - Phoenix

Hah! But I'm the best phoenix around!” - Phoenix

The best phoenix shall heal not only 500,000 health, but 750,000.” - Phoenix

"The best phoenix shall burn not only 50 enemies, but 100!" - Phoenix

Stage 2: “Cycle of Life” - Have Phoenix perish 5 times and turn back into an adult.

Quest Dialogue:

The second part of the contest was to see who can revive 3 times and turn back into our original forms.” - Phoenix

But I'm an overachiever.” - Phoenix

The best phoenix shall revive and turn back into its original states not 3, but 5 times!” - Phoenix

All to win this contest by a fireslide.” - Phoenix

Stage 3: “Orange Hunting” - Obtain 100 orange scraps from campaign. Cannot be bought from shops.

Quest Dialogue:

“_The last part of the contest was to see who can find 100 orange scraps. _” - Phoenix

They didn't outlaw buying them from shops, so several phoenixes have gone and completed the last part quickly.” - Phoenix

But I am no lazy, unskilled phoenix.” - Phoenix

I am the best phoenix!” - Phoenix

"I shall not waste my tokens, but rather hunt down all the scraps myself, like the true mythological beast I am!" - Phoenix

Finished Quest Dialogue:
"I didn’t win." - Phoenix

Some Phoenix named Kevin or something did twice as much as I did in the contest.” - Phoenix

I bet it spent mortal money to do so. Filthy cheater. I’m still the best phoenix!” - Phoenix
Gear Required:

2 Bit o’ Nips,
2 Paper Crowns,
1 Stolen Sneaker, and
1 Rubber Vest

2 Wands of Golden Sparkles,
1 Snazzy Vest,
1 Stick-On-Moustache,
1 Lucky Orc’s Foot, and
1 Hemp Bracelet

Green 1+
2 Bit O’ Nips,
1 Stick-On-Moustache,
1 Chunky Femur,
1 Power of Medicine, and
1 Sacred Codex

1 Rod of Tasing,
1 Hemp Bracelet,
1 Ten Foot Pole,
1 Hippy Glo Sticks, and
2 YA Vampire Series

Blue 1+
1 The Power of Positive Thinking,
1 Rod of Tasing,
1 Blissful Ignorance,
1 Banjo of Dueling,
1 Laser Pointer, and
1 Plucky Heroine’s Shortbow

Blue 2+
1 The One Ring,
1 Shot in the Arm,
2 Sacred Codexes,
1 Thong of Vitality, and
1 Hippy Glo Sticks

1 Power of Friendship,
2 Wands of Golden Sparkles,
1 Laser Visor,
1 Sandwich of Unsurpassed Meatiness, and
1 Intimidating Beard

Purple 1+
1 Sandwich of Unsurpassed Meatiness,
1 Kindness,
1 Laser Visor,
1 Mace of Friendship!,
1 Oxfords of Alacrity, and
1 Gentlemen’s Club

Purple 2+
1 Power of Love,
1 Laser Sword,
1 The One Ring,
1 Intimidating Beard,
1 Rod of Tasing, and
1 Sacred Codex.

Purple 3+
1 +27 Pocket Protector,
1 Diplomatic Immunity,
1 Liche’s Finger
1 Shot in the Arm,
1 Necronomicon, and
1 Laser Kitten.

Purple 4+
1 Tome of Eldrich’s Going Ons,
1 High Tea,,
1 The Power of SCIENCE
1 S. H. O. V. E. L.,
1 Tome of Forbidden Trivia, and
1 Rod of Witty Banter.

1 Jar of Kitten Tears,
1 Anti Magic Shell,
1 Extreme Fad Diet,
1 Rod of Witty Banter,
1 War Sandals, and
1 Holy Hand Grenade.

Orange 1+
1 Mystical Elven Sh*t,
1 High Tea,
1 Cryptozoology,
1 Extreme Fad Diet,
1 Disk of Some Power, and
1 Axe of Major Riffage.

Orange 2+
1 Laser Kitten,
1 Dragon’s Ballz,
1 Slightly Evil Magic Mirror,
1 Ornate Crown of the GM,
1 Deck of THE FUTURE, and
1 CHUGG Boots.

Orange 3+
1 The Holey Pail,
1 Glory Seeker,
1 Eye of the Beholder,
1 Tome of Occult Nonsense,
1 Unicorn on the Cob, and
1 The Power of SCIENCE.

Orange 4+
1 Sick Mullet,
1 Orbital Kitty,
1 Mystical Elven Sh*t,
1 High Tea,,
1 Volatile Smoothie, and
1 Slightly Evil Magic Mirror.

Orange 5+
1 Heal-Aid,
1 Boom Box,
1 Flamey Poofs,
1 Tunnel Vision,
1 Unicorn Puke, and
1 Helm of the Screaming Manface.

Orange 6+
1 Hearty Chest,
1 Time Killer,
1 Mind Map,
1 Deck of the FUTURE,
1 Skimpy Chainmail of Immense Power, and
1 Ring of Ill Will.

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