Legendary Quests Guide

Legendary Quest Guide for up to 2.13

A full update on the soon-coming 2.13 update. Quests in alphabetical order. Any information on the quests I don't have would be ton...

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hero Concept: Voodoo Doll

This is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long overdue
im sowwy
Just wrapped up in a whole lotta trash can right now
(..) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (..)

Voodoo Doll

(Concept Art: Voodoo Doll4]
:star: hero

Hurt me, hurt you magic. Immune to disables. Can heal from the pain of its enemies.

Voodoo Doll Quotes:

"I want to get rid of it, but if I do, I get rid of me too..." - Unstable Understudy

"Be careful not to touch the freak. Or else you'll have to care for it your entire life." - Centaur Of Attention

"I was so sure Halloween was over!" - Dragon Lady

Control Hero

Basic Attack: None
Primary: Intellect
Trait: Unstable

Core Stats Growth per Level:

1 star: Strength: 2.0 Agility: 1.5 Intellect: 1.0
2 star: Strength: 3.5 Agility: 2.5 Intellect: 3.0
3 star: Strength: 5.0 Agility: 3.5 Intellect: 5.0
4 star: Strength: 6.5 Agility: 4.5 Intellect: 7.0
5 star: Strength: 8.0 Agility: 5.5 Intellect: 9.0

Where to Obtain
  • Soul Chest (First Month of Release)
  • Elite Campaign (After Month of Release)

White Skill: "Hurt Me, Hurt You"

(Concept Art: Voodoo)
Voodoo Doll is no joke. Enemy heroes that damage the Doll are hurt for X amount of the damage that is dealt to it. That damage is also stored into Voodoo Doll, and once this special is triggered, it will release X of that damage onto a random foe.

  • X = 25% + 0.2083% x skill level

Green Skill: "Unliving, Unaffected"

Voodoo Doll is not alive, nor was it alive before. It can't be affected by disables or debuffs, and any attempts towards trying to disable Voodoo Doll are reflected back onto the attacker. Guaranteed to reflect disables levels X or lower.

  • X = Skill Level

Blue Skill: "Fear Injection"

Inflicts heavy fear onto its foes, causing all enemy heroes in front of it to suffer a 25% slow and a 25% decrease in accuracy for 5 seconds. Guaranteed to inflict fear on enemies levels X or lower.

  • X = Skill Level

Purple Skill: "Your Pain Feeds Me"

(Concept Art: Ehhh... Someone help me.)

Every 15 seconds, Voodoo Doll heals for X of the damage that all enemy heroes have taken from attacking Voodoo Doll.

  • X = 10% + 0.125% x skill level

Orange (Legendary Skill): "The Stronger You Are, The Tougher I Am"

(Concept Art: Mind Control!)
(Animation: Staff waves around in the air, undead enemies are charmed)

Voodoo Doll gains X max health per every point of basic damage that all the foes have.

X = 0.75 + 0.0095% x skill level

Legendary Quests

Stage 1: “Healthy Skepticism” - Sacrifice 1 Healthy Dose of Skepticism.

Quest Dialogue:

Y'see! It's friggin creepy and'll kill you in a snap! Git out before it get's ya too Yeti!!” - Roller Warrior

I still don't #%$&ing believe you. It's just a darn doll.” - Electroyeti

"How're you so calm about this! You of all the people round here!" - Roller Warrior

"I took a dose of Skepticism today. Works like a $%&#ing charm, I have one right here too, take it, you'll never hafta worry about a doll like that again." - Electroyeti

Stage 2: “Always There” - Use Voodoo Doll at least once in all modes possible.

Quest Dialogue:

It ain't work Yeti! It's still there, it's always there!” - Roller Warrior

Show me some #$%ing proof first.” - Electroyeti

"Oh I'll showyuh alright!" - Roller Warrior

Stage 3: “Git!” - Do not use Electroyeti or Roller Warrior in any mode for 5 consecutive days.

Quest Dialogue:

I'ma $%#&ing git” - Electroyeti

Already doing that” - Roller Warrior

Finished Quest Dialogue:

"*intense creepy laughter" - Voodoo Doll
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I'll do better dialogue next time I swear
I'll try my best to fit in some time for this stuff ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Remember that time I said I would be spamming concepts? Yeah, that's what I was hoping to do.

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